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CMMC NEWS! 2d Issue of DER ADLER Published!

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If you're participating in the Combat Mission Meta-Campaign, or are just an interested observer, swing on over to The Newsroom on Madmatt's CMHQ Annex:


The second issue of Der Adler, the Axis newspaper is out. You can also check out back issues of the paper.

Madmatt also told me to pass the word that he was planning to update the site last night but TGN's FTP server went down. I'd expect plenty of CM goodness tonight!


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Guest Madmatt

Actually, I doubt it will be tonight either as I have a wedding to go to. But I have a big stack-o-mods and AAR's to get posted so I will dedicate the weekend to that.

I haven't forgotten about you, I have just been busy. Anyone that has ever closed on a house will know what I am talking about.

Oh, and (hehehe) CFS2 has been taking a chunk outa my *spare* time too.... eek.gif

If anyone is interested I have about 2 dozen screenshots from this game that will make you drool with glee. I can post them on the Annex if there is ample interest. Drop by the chat and ask any of the regulars. They will tell ya...

If you thought my CM screenshots were good, wait to you see what I can do in a good flight sim! wink.gif



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

Combat Mission HQ

CMHQ-Annex, The Alternative side of Combat Mission and home of the CMMC


Host of the Combat Mission WebRing

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I will testify that Madmatts CFS2 screen shots are awsome.

I will also testify that the game kicks ass!

Now if only the joystick I bought wouldn't have caused me problems and hosed my system. I could play it... frown.gif

By the way Matt, I'd love for you to post some of your screen shots. Looking for some nice wallpaper. smile.gif

By the way Matt, along with the message board ot the hanger, They have a Forum set up also. In case you missed it.




"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


[This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 10-20-2000).]

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