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Quick Battle questions and more

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1.Why can't you delete squads in "Quick Battle" to make a understrength platoon? Example my British Rifle Battalion which has to have a standard issue 2inch mortar, why can't I delete the mortar so I can free up the 11pts in support cost for something more usefull.

2. I'm making an operation would anyone be interested in helping me playtest it? It's currently not to bad and lasts 9 battles of 20 turns. The forces are British and German 'meeting engagement' of Battalion size with various armor and reserves. Air Support is also used. The only accurate historical data I have is taking the forces off a 'Panzer Leader' scenario card and using it for a fictional battle prior to Operation Goodwood.

3.Can anyone tell me how many Battalions in a Regiments or how many Regiments in a Division or how many Divisions in an Army?(whew out of breath from that long question.)

I'm assuming this varies during wartime but is secure during peacetime. Just curious... I have a book that shows something like this but does a piss poor job in the explanation and even the picture is confusing.

4. Someone send me a link with German chain of command during WW2 if they have one please as I don't understand the abbreviations for the German leaders in CM. With exception to LT. CPL. and the regular stuff.

(I mean what the h*ll does Rot, Osf, Unt, Hsf and Sbf stand for?) These ranks specific only to SS if so Please let me know?

5.I would really like to have another victim for PBEM soon. Please feel free to email me with a challenge. I would be happy, actually prefer, to play a scenario that is already with the game as I haven't played many of them yet. This would of course be an advantage to someone who has already played the map since they will need it to match my cunning and far superior intellect.

Thanks to anyone in advance for the help if you offer it. biggrin.gif

PS- If I make a website for CM will anyone visit it if I make scenarios and put them on there?


"Every goddam field in this hedgerow country is a battlefield."

- Pfc.Bob Sloan, in Yank

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Johnno:

1.Why can't you delete squads in "Quick Battle" ...

2. I'm making an operation would anyone be interested in helping me playtest it?

3.Can anyone tell me how many ...

4. I mean what the h*ll does Rot, Osf, Unt, Hsf and Sbf stand for?

5.I would really like to have another victim for PBEM soon.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

1. A good question that's been asked before. I've stopped worrying and just enjoy the game as is...

2. I'd like to give it a try, but don't expect too much since it might be tough on my low-end computer...

3. I can look up the specifics and mail it to you off list, if you like.

4. Rot = Rottenführer (Squadleader)

Osf = Obersturmführer (~Company commander)

Unt = Unter?????führer (Unterscharführer ~2nd Lt. or Untersturmführer ~Ass. Coy commander)

Hsf = Hauptsturmführer, one step up from Osf.

Sbf = Sturmbannführer (Battalion commander)

5. If you'd like to get slowly victomised, I'm ready to take you on. Roughly one move every other day is my speed...



[This message has been edited by Olle Petersson (edited 10-18-2000).]

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There are three Battalions to a Regiment and three Regiments to a Division. (The British called them Brigades instead of Regiments, but I believe the numbers are the same. Someone with more experise in this manner can correct me if I'm wrong.) Corps and Armys were more flexible as 2-4 Divisions made up a Corp, and 2-4 Corp made up an Army.


It wasn't MY company..It was the Armys' or so they told me.

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Thanks for the answers guys,and Olle I love the game but I was curious why they didn't allow us to do this one thing. Thanks for the breakdown on chain of Command too, I wrote it down...is this just for the SS?

I'll send you a PBEM file, expect one today...oh but I can't decide which scenario?

Another question...Was BTS thinking of adding medics at some point during the original process. I'm a little pissed off about the past because I had a good chance being one of their beta testers and turned down the oportunity. frown.gif

Randy I think the picture in the book I have is showing the British for an example. The funny thing is that they show 5 platoons to a company, 6 companies to a Battalion, 7 battalions to a Brigade, 9 Brigades to a Division, this just doesn't seem correct to me.

Johnno out

"War is the last of all things to go according to plan."

- Thucydides

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I believe the British used different terms for their units but were still eseintally the same personnel wise. That is a British section was the equivalent to a US squad; a Troop was the equivalent to a US platoon; a Squadron the equivalent of a US company; a regiment was equivalent to a US battalion; and a brigade was the equivalent of a US regiment. If I'm not mistaken the British used the same three tier system that the Americans and Germans used in their makeup of divisions. That is 3 squads to a platoon, three platoons to a company, three companys to a battalion, three battalions to a regiment, and three regiments to a division.


It wasn't MY company..It was the Armys' or so they told me.

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