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Board Gamers

Guest rune

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In one of my many adveentures over the internet, I found a small Mom and Pop type board wargame maker. Since I know I got a lot of board war gamers here, along with miniatures players, thought you would like to check it out.


They have a great Enemy at the Gates game that I am eyeing. Could I get it without the wife killing me is the question... smile.gif

Hopefully he will be here shortly to check out CM, but if Steve would send me a link banner, I can send to him to put up.


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In one of my many adveentures over the internet, I found a small Mom and Pop type board wargame maker...



Rune... This is a great company and the small staff is wonderful. But like Mike said, some of the games can be very detailed and large.

I've only played their ACW Series so I really can't comment on the playability of their other series. I can say that I really do enjoy the ACW games when I have somebody to play.



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The board game I have been looking for has been GDW's Third World War. Has anyone played this? I read about it in the comment section of a set of rules I have (Fist Full of Tows 2000) and it sounds cool. I saw a set of it on ebay with unpunched counters with a bid for $9.00. I was hoping to bid, but they hadn't sent me my password yet (steam percolating)!



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I loved third world war, and all of its siblings (Southern Front, Persian Gulf, and the one about Reindeer land... smile.gif )

There is an awesome conversion of it for "The Operational Art of War Vol II" (the computer game) which I often play as I can't get a regular board game partner. You can play scenarios of any of the individual games or the whole set at once, just like with the paper and counter originals... Ahh the happy memories of hours spent pushing counters around the maps of europe and the gulf... =)



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As a buff of historical accuracy, I think The Gamers puts out unmatched OoB's, especially their stuff on the Ostfront (primarily their OCS-line of games).

Their "Enemy at the Games" is one of the best complete wargames I have even since... if you are interested in the Eastern Front, you have to own that game.

Once CM2 is out, I hope we can play a CMMC-style "Counterstroke at Kharhov, '42-'43" similar in size and scope to CMMC-1 that we have in the works right now.

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