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Tanks with gyrostabilizers not firing while rotating hull.

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Has anyone ever noticed that a tank such as a Sherman will not fire if it is rotating its hull UNTIL it has completed the rotation? This leads to a lot of deaths.

For example:

My Sherm Jumbo surprised a King Tiger from the left, rear flank at the end of a turn. All it had time to do that turn was to button up the KT. Next turn, I orderd it to fire at the KT (150m away) and to rotate its front armor to the enemy. The turn began and the Jumbo just sat there watching the KT turn its front armor to him and that 88. Finnally the hull began to turn towards the KT and yet the Sherm did not fire. The whole turn was over before the Sherman fired once! (After "jumping" the tiger)

I aborted the mission and replayed that turn. I found that if I did not order the Sherman to rotate its hull, it would fire on the KT almost instantly, and knock it out.

Is there a problem here?

Am I doing something wrong?

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The TacAi usually does a pretty good job of handaling the hull rotation in a situation like you described. In fact it is usually smart enough to take at least one shot before it tries to rotate the hull.

What you probably should have done is issue the targetting order and NOT the rotate order.


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Exactly the same thing happened to me in a PBEM game I just had finished. It was very strange and -until I read your post- did not pay much attention to that.

I would like to know if this is intended or some kind of bug. Iron Duke, keep yóur game file save just for the case.

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Guest Michael emrys

Something like this came up in another thread a couple days ago, but I forget which one. Gist of it is that, as you know, if you give a unit any kind of movement order, including rotate, there is a brief pause before it does anything. Apparently that pause extends to firing its weapons. I guess the TC is too busy listening to the radio to give any orders.


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I am not completely sure how the gyros are modelled in the game, although I have had some pretty fast Hellcat hits in the past. What percent better to hit do they give in motion, and is the fact green crews often did not use them modelled?



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Actually guys this phenomenon is a feature of the game itself. I think it is mentioned in either a readme from one of the patches or the manual itself. In any event, I remember reading it somewhere, where a tank that is rotating will not fire.


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