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TacOps v404 Patch Available

MajorH TacOps Developer

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A TacOps v404_AA update patch has been uploaded to the TacOps support ftp area. Enter the following URL into the address line of your web browser, exactly as shown.


The Windows patch is titled "TacOps v404AA Patch Win.zip".

The Macintosh patch is titled "TacOps v404AA Patch Win.sit".

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Installation instructions.

This patch is only for the retail editions of TacOps v403 through v403FP. Do not apply this patch file to TacOps v3.x or to any military version of TacOps.

A. Download and then Unzip or Unstuff the patch file for your OS.

B. While carefully following the instructions below, drag/copy the unzipped/unstuffed contents of the downloaded patch file into your TacOps v4 folder so as to replace any file or files of the same name.

C. The following files must be placed in the designated folders.

Windows and Macintosh.

TacOps4.exe or TacOps4 -> TacOps folder.

0000.txt -> zPhotos folder.

1512.bmp -> zPhotos folder.

001.txt -> ZHelp folder.

002.txt -> ZHelp folder.

003.txt -> ZHelp folder.

Macintosh only.

zFanfareB.wav -> zSounds folder.

zFanfareC.wav -> zSounds folder.

D. Change log. See the PDF file that is included in the patch package.

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N O T I C E: This patch is copyrighted. Distribution of this patch at, by, or from any location other than the www.battlefront.com web site is expressly forbidden and may be pursued as a copyright infringement.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I inadvertantly deleted most of the subscribers to the support center while trying to clean up the user list.

You should be able to resubscribe just by coming back into the support center.

By the way, that harsh sounding email that you received was generated by a discourteous AKO software engineer and not by me. smile.gif

[ December 12, 2002, 01:12 PM: Message edited by: MajorH ]

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