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Looking for CM Infantry Weapon Statistics

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I'm a bit curious as to what exactly firepower and visibility calculate into, especially when it comes to actually inflicting casualties on other infantry. Specifically, I want to know the minimum range (and thus firepower/visibility) for a German SMG squad to be nearly -guaranteed- a kill. The reason why is because I'm still wondering if it's really worth shooting 400 meters at 50% visible infantry with rifles and use up all that precious ammo.... *shrugs* Just curious.

(I'm a newbie, you can tell, right?)

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When you target infantry, you'll get a firepower rating. It'll be something like "Exposure 60%, Firepower 28". As I understand it, 100 is your average firepower rating, so if it's say, 10, there wouldn't be much point in firing - or likewise if the target's exposure is only 10%, unless you just want to suppress it. Only the effective weapons in a squad will fire - so SMGs won't fire at long range. There is no range at which a kill is guaranteed, but the probability is dictated by the exposure and firepower ratings.



They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."

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There is a database floating around somewhere that lists the firepower ratings at varying ranges for all the squads, not sure where.

For your question I really won't open up with Rifle squads until the range is 100m or lower. For German SMG squads the closer the better, 50m or less generally, preferably less. A situation could dictate otherwise of course. MGs are what you need/use to begin firing at longer ranges. The way CM models combat there are no guarantees for a kill though suppressing the enemy so it's unable to fire back followed up by assaulting troops will normally give you the best results in achieving kills quickly.

So no I don't think it is worth it to be firing at 400m though your opponent may. smile.gif

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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TelGerot:

...I'm still wondering if it's really worth shooting 400 meters at 50% visible infantry with rifles and use up all that precious ammo.... *shrugs* Just curious.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Depends on what you are trying to accomplish and under what circumstances. The primary reason I use squad firepower is not to achieve kills, but suppression. While the enemy squad is suppressed, I maneuver a squad (or even an entire platoon if one is available) to within 50 meters, where they do in fact become deadly. At which point, the enemy usually engages in a bug out and can be easily be shot down. Even if they aren't all killed, their morale is usually so poor as to be useless for the rest of the game.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>(I'm a newbie, you can tell, right?)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes. smile.gif


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