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Anybody know what "Concentric Recoil" is??

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The M-24 Chaffee used a 75mm gun based on the M5 75mm cannon used on the B-25H. This was because of it's compact design, that I know. But that gun uses "concentric recoil" that allows space to be saved. What is it? I've been looking up my extensive library and can't find a thing on the term...



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The concentric recoil mount helps to conserve space as the recoil spring and hydraulic fluid surrounds the gun tube and does not require separate cylinders to either side. When the mechanism was not maintained properly (seals leaking or hydraulic fluid low) there could be spectacular failures. Two of the first three Chaffees facing the North Koreans in 1950 had faulty recoil mechanisms and both guns recoiled clear into the turret bustle, crashing through the radio and one breech almost penetrating the turret rear armor. In the official unit history, the tanks are recorded to have been put out of action by "mechanical failures".

Info courtesy of "AFV Interiors" http://www.kithobbyist.com/AFVInteriors/m24/m24b.html


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