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Steve - VERY Bizarre AI move (spoiler)

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Steve - it's been a while since the old days when I hassled you so bad about the AI. I'm baaaaaaack. smile.gif Actually, I am blown away at how good the AI is now. However, one very strange thing happened today...

In the Valley of Trouble I played the US side. When the Panther appeared, it stayed on the German bunker hill for a few turns, then it headed over to the US side. I had no armor left and I thought it was moving over to chase my remaining infantry down. I watched it as it went around and behind the large forest and and then backed into the absolute corner of the map on the US side. Then it shut of it's engines and that was that for the remainder of the scenario until I finally ran at it with two infantry squads and easily killed it.

Why in the world did the AI take that Panther completely out of the action? It could have done some serious damage, and while it was hiding in the corner I was able to take out a wooden bunker.

Bizarre...! any ideas??

(I have the saved game to prove it, too)

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