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1 Shot 1 Kill!!! And The Russians Attack..well they get ready to! CMHQ UPDATE!!!!!!!!

Guest Madmatt

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Guest Madmatt

If it's Monday then it's gotta be the start of the week! errr....ummm... never mind...

So the big question tonight is whats on the Agenda?

Well how does a cool new series of Articles from the beloved Fionn Kelly strike you? Yeah well you got no choice, its already up! Fionn takes us through about 200,000 words as he traces the long and convulted Soviet Tank Devolopment. A good companion to the current US Medium Tank article series. This is part 1 and be watching out for part 2 in the days to come. You NEED to watch out for as its so big it could hurt someone!

We also have a nice little POTD of a Sniper as he watches detached, although only slightly, as a battle unfolds below his perch. Another in a the series of 'mood' pics.

That is all...Go and be merry!

Be sure to check out the revamped Article section as its now Catagorized with General Military, Combat Mission Specific and Historical articles...



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 03-27-2000).]

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