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Support for TacOps

Panzertruppen maddox

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Warfare HQ has recently added a forum to our existing forums dedicated to nothing but modern military simulations such as TacOps, BCT, BCT Commander, Armored Task Force, and Decisive Action.

We're also currently evaluating the demand for a combined modern military simulations ladder. So far the feedback has been limited, but we feel there is sufficient support for these games to justify an additional ladder devoted solely to these games. This is a great way for TacOps to be exposed to wargamers who may not be familiar with this system.

MajorH, you're certainly welcome to post any news, info, or announcements you may have on our forum. If it's something more important, send me a note and I'll be more than happy to post it on the main Warfare HQ news page.

Hope to see some TacOps action at Warfare HQ soon!

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Thanks, I appreciate it.

May be a slow area though. TacOps players seem to spend more time playing than socializing smile.gif .

Then again ... My past experience is that independent combined forums tend to self destruct if the forum administrator is not careful. Some fans can't resist starting flame wars over politics, over misc things which have nothing to do with gaming, and over which game or game company has the biggest muscles. Smart developers don't want to get involved in such debates and they leave the forum.

Next to head for the door are fans who feel that they are forced to associate with a__holes enough at work and don't need to be in a negative place during their recreation time.

Eventually the only people left are the a__holes smile.gif .

[ September 02, 2002, 11:33 AM: Message edited by: MajorH ]

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I agree that this does tend to happen a lot. However, we have had excellent luck with that at Warfare HQ for the last two years. The vast majority of our members are considerate gamers who are interested in intelligent debate about strategy & tactics, or they simply want information. If any flame wars crop up, the Warfare HQ staff quickly put an end to it although I can't remember having to do that for a very long time. Because we're a relatively small community compared to some others we're able to control that type of thing much better.

We have dedicated forums for each one of the games we support, and also have a general discussion forum which is intended for some of these hot political or military history topics.

At any rate, the forum is available as a resource if needed.

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sounds as a nice initiative

I am not sure if we can get the members of the email list(most frequent players) on a ladder,but its worth a try.

Lot of them are busy with work,RL,Mbx and multiplayergames,some of us also with CMBB smile.gif

We hope more (younger) players will join our ranks once V4 comes out.

Its a very new and fun experience to play a multiplayer game.

I will do my best to support your effort if needed.


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Thanks for the interest.

TacOps is part of the "Modern Military Simulations" section. The ladder is now up and ready for sign-ups. To register for the ladder simply click on the "Join" button at the top of the main Warfare HQ page and complete the form.

I have created an area for articles and AARs for TacOps and the other sims included in the section, but I'm a little short on material right now. If you have TacOps related material that you would like to see posted, send it on over and I will take care of the rest.

Warfare HQ is a club, and as a resource it will only be as good as the members help to make it. Hopefully, we'll have some more TacOps available soon. :D

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Originally posted by MajorH:

Next to head for the door are fans who feel that they are forced to associate with a__holes enough at work and don't need to be in a negative place during their recreation time.

Eventually the only people left are the a__holes smile.gif .

Boy, you said it. I've been hanging out on the BTS forums for a few years now, and ...

HEY!!! tongue.gif

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