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Return of the iron hamster

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Well that did,nt last long did it, seeing im back,just like to thank one or two of you for the emails,the rest for the posts also my wife for saying ,she thought she had married a rough tough squaddie all those years ago,not a jessie .(bl...y hell,sounds like an oscar speech)

So me and my Hamsters are back,this time focusing on world domination,crushing the gerbil mafia and converting elijah to all things british smile.gif

--------------------------------------------- nyanp.gif

okay it aint a hamster,you try n find one

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Welcome back ironcross. I hope the others that felt they had to leave the board return soon. We need all of you to maintain this forum.


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Guest Germanboy

You just wanted to see whether we miss you, eh? Reminds me of Basil Fawlty's walk-out in the 'Waldorf Salad' episode. Good to see you could be persuaded.



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