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Death from above

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I finally got to see what it was like for CM to use airplanes in the game. It looked like my troops had bent over and kissed their butts goodbuy. I forgot to put in Ack ACk into the game. What a beating I took. The best part was for serveral minutes I could hear the aircraft flying around. Looks like they were getting a look see of the battle field before it came down. The sounds of the plane engines can strike terror in you.

Love this game.


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I second that. I had no idea that the scenario I was playing last night had fighter-bombers until the diving buzz, the shadow crossing my positions, the explosions bracketing a tank and wiping out most of a squad and panicking a FO (who was in process of targeting some big guns!)

Then shorly later he was back. I felt like ducking and grabbing ground, kind of like those on the end of a Stuka dive must have felt. Then that awful moment as the shadow passes over and you wonder, what is going to get blown up now. Up to that point it had been a cake walk.

Totally Cool, baby ya gotta love it biggrin.gif

[This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 06-28-2000).]

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What's even worse is hearing those engines and frantically changing camera views till you can spot the shadow ... then the wait ... THEN THE BOMBS! smile.gif Actually though it was MG/Cannon fire into my Panther's deck that got me. Pretty awesome, damn all Jabos. smile.gif


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You gotta love those explosions too! I watched an FB take out a Tiger in the town of Ramelle as it was about to pounce on poor Captain Miller's small remaining force as it crossed the bridge to the Alamo.

Wham! Right on time! Shades of SPR!


Wild Bill

Lead Tester/Designer

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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Guest Offwhite

Indeed, those suckers really pack a punch. I lost three tank commanders and the better part of an infantry company last night to a single bomb run... as if that's not enough, it was friendly fire frown.gif

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