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Mein G.O.T or Got G.O.T? GRID OVERLAY TERRAIN!!! See it for yourself at CMHQ!!!!!!!!!

Guest Madmatt

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Guest Madmatt

You love all the Terrain Mods but just can't seem to distinguish the subtle elevation changes right? Well we got something for you. A guy that goes by the handle of Aszurom (dont ask me!) has recently done something that may be the best damn thing I have seen in a long while.

GRID OVERLAY TERRAIN. What he did is overlay a Opaque Grid over the top of each of the twenty terrain textures. The results are...well they are stunning! Have a looksee!


Now I know what your thinking and Charles and Kwazydog DID look at this as an option several months ago but there would be no easy way to switch between one terrain type and the other while playing the game. The hit to the VRAM and polygon count would be just too high.

This is a great alternative though but be advised that if you install these textures you will ALWAYS have the grids on. But with the way they were done they really don't detract from the game at all and make things like getting into HULL DOWN so much easier!!!

We currently have the MDMP Hi-Res, Version 1 Bumpy and default Winter terrain ready to downlaod. The original default and MDMP-Low res versions will be forthcoming!

We also have a revised version of Wild Bills cool Elsdorf Sceanrio. He has incorporated many of the suggestions mentioned in the Scenario Forum and has addressed the 'creeping Reinforcment location' issue as well.

So head on over to CMHQ and grab whatcha can!!!



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[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 07-21-2000).]

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