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Scenario design and upload

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I know this has been touched upon, but I'm not sure I've seen a clear answer yet. To all you web site hosts out there. As I recall (Steve, please correct me if I'm wrong) BTS is not going to have a page here on the site for upload/download of scenarios, etc. So I'm wondering, among the rest of you Fionn's, Madmatt's, and other website hosts out there, where will we be able to go to download scenarios that others have designed and upload those that we would like to share? I'm basically looking for a list of sites that will be and/or plan to support this activity. And BTS, would it be possible to list these sites here on the battlefront website somewhere under a heading "scenarios for upload/download" or something so that everyone has one common place to come to find the links to the others? Thanks to all.


Mike D

aka Mikester

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