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Lets End the "Non existant rivalery," between CC and CM

Guest Lord General MB

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Guest Lord General MB


Lets get this out on the table once and for all! Pros and Cons, reasons what not... ect. I'll kick this off:

CC (Since its 2D) has a nicer and smother res then CM, and because of this CC can show KIA, WIA, and full squads. That something CC can do and CM can't.



Lord General Mr. Bill,

1st Army

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I don't even think of CC as a wargame. If you want to compare somthing worth comparing then compare CM to SPWAW. At least they are both turn based. Real-time sucks if you want a good wargaming experience.


"To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence." -Sun Tzu, The Art Of War

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Guest Lord General MB


Dam your Hamster fodder!

No I think CM blows away CC, I'm just giving CC a betting chance since it just gets trashed here.



Lord General Mr. Bill,

1st Army

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Guest Lord General MB


Bombardier, If you noticed the tittle...

"Non existant rivalery" it's becasue they ARE apples and oranges. There both good games, that are TOTTALY oppiste each other but people just want to now which one comes out on top... it's CM of course, but CC has its good parts.



Lord General Mr. Bill,

1st Army

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Guest Lord General MB


I'm hoping to blow off any last steam thats left to debate about this issue.



Lord General Mr. Bill,

1st Army

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Guest Big Time Software

Well gents, as well meaning as this thread might be, it usually grinds itself up into a big mess. So I am going to put in a few words here and then close it up...

I think the *only* thing that can be compared between the two games (more or less imperically) is the degree of realism each achieves. Almost everything else is either subjective (like which is more fun) or not comparable (like what one can do graphically vs. the other).

Bottom line is the two games don't really compete. They are escentially very different games and only somewhat related by genre (i.e. both are WWII, but that is about all). So no need to compare smile.gif


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