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Hitlers hatred caused by heartbreak?

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Max, if you can find "Diary of a Man in Despair" by Friederich Percyval Reck-Malleczewen (No ISBN on it, sorry) then by all means pick it up. It has some musings on the character of Hitler by a man who met him close up. Excellent stuff.


Floreat Jerboa !

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"I have given orders to my Death Units to exterminate without mercy or pity men, women and children belonging to the Polish-speaking race. It is only in this manner that we can acquire the vital territory which we need. After all, who remembers today the extermination of the Armenians?"

--- Adolf Hitler, 22 August 1939

From 1915 to 1916 the Ottoman Empire conducted a pogrom of extermination against the Christian Armenian minority within Muslim Turkey. Starting with 100,000 conscripts within their own army, by the end of 1916 somewhere between 1.5 to 2 million Armenians were "relocated" (ie; marched into the desert and shot) and their property and estates where claimed by the government.

"Those who cannot remember history are doomed to repeat it."

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