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Command Delay

Guest Scott Clinton

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Guest Scott Clinton

I did a quick search and I did not see where this has come up before...

I noticed last night a little 'abnormality' regarding command delays. I think everyone here understands basically how command delays work. Several factors seem to be taken into account, one of which is the total length of the planed move. If you only plan for the unit to move a couple of meters you will see a command delay of only a couple of seconds (all else being in good order). But if you plan a very long and involved path then you will see a command delay of much longer duration.

Well, last night, realized you could 'get around' this aspect by simply plotting a very short movement path that results in a minimum command delay (in my case last night this was 1 second). Then clicking on the unit's ending point and 'stretching' the movement path to your TRUE final objective of the move. The command delay does not change and will remain at the minimum.

I tried this several times and it seems to be consistent. If I plotted the move to the final destination the first time (or even plotted a short move and then added additional movement 'legs' later) the command delay always resulted in the maximum delay of 20 seconds (in this case). BUT, if I just plotted a short path and then stretched it, I was able to 'cheat' the system and come away with only a minimal delay of 1 second. This is quite a difference in a 60-sec turn!

I apologize if this as been covered but I have not seen it nor was I able to find it using the search function and I would hate for this 'loop hole' to be left open in the final game. But, I can't for the life of me convince myself I am the only one that has noticed this (considering my limited play of the demo).


The Grumbling Grognard

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NO FAIR!! smile.gifsmile.gif

I had my http ref posted before chaos did! biggrin.gif

He just went back and adeed it in! tongue.gif:

Welcome, Chaos!

You are now part of the Dark Side of the Search Function!

Jason - Some say using the search function and finding the right thread is better than sex. Try it, I bet you'll agree.

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