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Beta V1.1 - Quick Battle Computer Force Selection

Guest Rex_Bellator

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Guest Rex_Bellator

Having spent some time with the new patch I noticed that in Quick Battles of around 1000-2000 points the AI seems now to pick few if any tanks for it's forces.

After the 5th QB in a row where I faced masses of infantry with a few AFV's and usually none, possibly one or two tanks at absolute most I began to wonder if there may be a problem or if this is a new direction towards infantry by BTS.

I'm certainly not saying there's necessarily anything wrong, but has anyone else noticed a sudden upsurge in the amount of infantry heading at you and a decrease in the amount of tanks incoming? Or have I just had a run of non-standard force selections in my recent QBs?

If other people have similar experiences then I'll set up a test with my somewhat limited CM time at present. All comments welcome!


"We're not here to take it - We're here to give it"

General Morshead's response to the popular newspaper headline "Tobruk Can Take It"

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I've recently generated dozens of QB's, based on combined arms from 500 - 1500 points, and the result is nearly always the same. Lots of infantry and support weapons; occasionally a few vehicles (usually half-tracks or carriers); very rarely a tank or two.

This is markedly different from even ver. 1.05, which I reloaded just to check.

The 'combined arms' selection is just not producing a mixed selection any more.

It seems that to get a reasonable mixture you now need to choose the 'Armour' option, which often chooses an amount of infantry and support weapons as well as tanks.

'Infantry' still seems to produce a pure infanty selection.



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Guest Rex_Bellator

Thanks Jim & Kingfish, I've checked the thread which you advised and sure enough I find that this problem has already been spotted addressed in the upcoming final version.

I've got to sign off now to write out 1000 times 'I must do a search' redface.gif

Hey! is there any chance BTS can lock this now redundant thread up? There are many who reckon I should be locked up....make them all happy!

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Guest Madmatt

And as I have said frequently in the last two weeks this whole point ratio issue has been reworked since your version of v1.1.

You WILL get more vehicles in Combined Arms now. Will you get all tanks? No, of course not but it is much more balanced force selection to what you are seeking.


p.s. Last night I even got a QB where I *didn't* get a Hetzer (gasp!) IT'S TRUE! biggrin.gif

[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 12-13-2000).]

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