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Wire Snipping Poles on Jeeps, AFVs and tanks

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When my grandfather was in WWII he said that there were metal rods on the front of jeeps and AFVs and the like. The purpose for this was because "those kraut bastards" strung piano wire across roads and passes to take troops' heads off when driving down unexpectedly. Will these be seen on vehicles in CM?? If not, why?

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Guest Zulu1

Probably because this is a game, not a simulation of everything that happened in WWII. First, how would you simulate stringing the wire and at what height. It would be different for jeeps than afv's.

Second, this was probably very rare and in ambush type situations where they definitely knew a jeep or motorcycle was coming along.

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As a related practice, Finns experimented with using wire in anti-tank ambushes:

Three or four medium-sized trees (preferably spruces) located on moth sides of a rowad would be sawed half through and connected to a wire that was strung over the road.

If a tank drove to the wire, the trees would fell over it, stopping the tank and blinding the crew. Then, a AT-man would dart from a nearby foxhole and throw a satchell charge or a Molotoc coctail on the stuck tank.

In proper conditions (tanks advancing in the point), this could be quite effective. However, it is not a tactic that you can rely on during pitched battles.

- Tommi

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