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OT: Saw "Behind Enemy Lines"


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For the most part, a good movie. I wanted to mention this because there's some really cool scenes of BMP-1s, T-72's (running and KO'd), and even a T-34 (ko'd). Plus, I think an SAM-6 (looked like a gopher), a twin mounted 57mm (methinks), and lots of AKs. The action scenes were very good, but used the SPR shaky camera technique a little too liberally. There's a really cool urban warfare scene that is par excellence, and shows why MOUT is just so nasty.

Speaking of MOUT, did anybody catch that CNN special showing the 101st AB in urban warfare training. It was very well done. The .50 caliber was music to my ears. Plus, I liked watching the story about the buck private who went army to get out of the hood.

Finally saw the trailer for Blackhawk Down. I've been dying to read the book. I really like that Ridley Scott is directing it and looks like it'll be a winner. Has anyone tried making a TacOps scenario on that battle?



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YES, Tacops scenarios reflecting real world geographic and strategics would be great.

I am thinking about Desert Storm, Afghanistan (both in the '80 and now) and even limited conflicts like Grenada. Also, training grounds such as Camp Lejeune, Fort Bragg, Gagetown (Canada), Petawawa (Canada), Valcartier (Canada)

I would be greatly interested to know where to get those scenarios and playable maps.



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Anyone know when Black Hawk down is due out? The book is a great read.

I have a tactical map of Lejune and some surrounding areas. I don't have a new one that includes the recent base expansion. I would be willing to help in any map making project. We should get a collection together at least of these maps for making into game maps.

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