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"And McCormick has the ball! He's running! Going for it, he's going for it! This is the greatest play I've ever seen in the history of football!

Oh No! A quad flak cannon opens up from the tree line! He's shaken, panicked... Looks like he's nearly broken! Oh, he's down for the count.

And look ouuuuuuuut, number 37 has run into trouble with some anti-personel mines in the end zone..."

I have another little story about an 88mm dragon, and some SS elf troopers I could share, but maybe another time.

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Pham911, ya did it again. Gotta hand it to ya. I'm gonna start doing a search on your name when I wake up in the morning so I can start my day with a good laugh.


Yeah, it occoured to me too. We just have to convince gamers that giving orders to your pulse laser tanks at 60-second intervals, and ONLY then, is a feature, not a bug. It's do-able, I think.


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