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CMHQ Annex---to Fionn or MadMatt

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I was just wondering who is the authority

for the Annex's ladder, i have a opponent

who agreed to a league battle, he suggested several options for setup, i chose to be attacker in 1,250 point battle.

My opponent started early in the battle saying he saw more points worth of armor on my side than he had...which wasnt true, we both had 3 tanks. To make a long story short,

he finnaly said he was too busy to continue and sent me the surrender file. But he hasnt replied to the Annex's confirmation

e-mail. Im affraid he may have given up cause i was on attack with more points (one of his options), during the battle i wanted to keep his interest by telling him the sides were much more even than he thought, but thats not fair either....upon examining map after his surrender i found we had an equal number of tanks and he had alot more infantry than i had, he just didnt choose to buy AFV's with tank killing guns like i had.....could someone please reply.

p.s.-i think i was about to kill his 3rd and last Jackson before he called it quits too

VonBakker(name on ladder)

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