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People are at unrest at the BBS...wonder why??

Guest Captain Manieri

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Guest Captain Manieri

Now, this ain't a lecture, nor a, "holier than thou" trip. Believe me, other people on the BBS will tell you I'm immature as hell if you don't already know it.

I have noticed a BIG transition since I've been on the board. From late December, up until now. People are getting pissy and it's effecting the quality of the BBS. Can I offer any advice o avoid this behavior. No. Other than.....oh..maybe thinking about...RELEASING THE GAME ALREADY! Alright listen, I know just by saying that, people are gonna post telling me that I shouldn't be impatient and all that other crap. I have read things like that SO MANY times, I'm desensitized to it. I won't even acknowlege it. It isn't worth the pain in your hands to type out the words.

Since last week, I've seen MANY threads closed. They take a turn for the ugly (and interesting if you ask me) and Steve doesn't want the negative energy on the board. I can see that. But what I can't see is anyway to curb the behavior, other than...of course...you guessed it....RELEASING THE GAME. So many threads are getting closed, so much negative energy is survacing in so many threads... What are we gonna do? We certainly cannot ban the people who get a little rowdy, because so many people on the BBS engage in it! I'm not questioning BTS's professionalism...but please. I say, "Uncle!" release the game. I humbly beg you. I assure you that everyone at the BBS will be in a better mood. Or the Gold demo even. I remember peering at the board when the third scenario came out, and everyone had nothing but positive things to add. Everyone was in a good mood. Well, unless someone throws us a bone... the quality of the board is just gonna get worse and worse until it becomes like a freetown chat room.

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..hmmm.let's see..you take three cups of

desperation..add a little begging....damn,it

still needs a little.."honey!where did you put the informal fallicies?"..."in the Cupboard?""by the sink?"OK,found em'"..

ah yes,lots and lots of slippery slope!...

"post is ready!"


It is no disgrace to be defeated...It is a disgrace to be surprised.

-attr.to Fredrick the Great-

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Guest Big Time Software

We don't release our software based on the number of people bitching at each other. I can't think of a more silly reason to release than that.

Make believe release discussion between Charles and I:

Charles... you know, lots of people are bitching, we should release the game now.

But Steve, I haven't finished doing the manual yet, and you haven't finished all the models. And nobody has proofed all the scenarios yet!

Charles, that doesn't matter because we closed a whole 2 threads and man o man we have to get things moving here. Screw the manual, screw the models, screw the scenarios and lets ship.

MY GOD STEVE!!! TWO WHOLE THREADS LOCKED UP?!? Screw the release, I'm just going to slit my wrists instead.


Or we could just release the game when we have finished it. Hmmm... tough choice.


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