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Plastic Stuarts

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Fresh off the transport and eager to please, plucky but green Sgt. Frizzell in his M5A1 just took out (2) Panthers and a Stug III in Wild Bill's Maastricht-Tanks scenario by flanking the German armor column. (Sgt. Pool bit it fairly early on dueling one of those Panthers...)

W cool.gif W!!

Problem is, when I zoomed in to personally congratulate Frizzell, I found he was driving a green plastic Stuart like the one's in the bag of little plastic Army men I had as a kid.

Hasn't anyone done any hi-res mods of the Stuart? With all the German mods (I have tried 4 for the Tiger alone), I'm shocked.. yes, shocked that no one has done anything with the little Stu. Don't you guys remember the Grey Ghost stories in Sgt. Rock comics?? Ww need our Stuarts!!

- Old Dog (somewhat hysterical at the lack of attention to American/Brit armor mods)

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Hey Schugger!

I have Tiger's great weathering mods.. and I very much appreciate that he has done them, but the Stu's running gear looks very...flat... compared to the similar but larger running gear on the Shermans for example. I can almost make out the little black plastic wheels peeking out from under the injection molded body.

<here Dog tries to paste in BMP's of the Sherm and Stu running gear but gives up>

No one has done any shading and detailing on the Stu. *sigh* Perhaps some day...

- Old Dog

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As you had mentioned it, the runinng gears of the Stugs are indeed lacking the depths provided by Tiger's mods. However, you have to zoom in very close to get aware of this.

Unfortunatly, Tiger's attention is now fixed to testing his mods under battlefield conditions ( i.e. PBEMing), so we have to wait a bit.

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Actually I think the stewarts had been redone a week or so ago when Matt found a texture that didnt look right. I sent a new mod of the stewart to him along with a jackson td mod and I think he posted the new zip for the stewarts/jackson. You may want to re-download that zip. I'll check it tonight if I have time.

I think he was referring to the stewart "stu". I'm probably spelling it wrong too. (Stuart?)

As for the stug's roadwheels I'm not sure which you're talking about. The normal stugs or the modded stug in MDMP 2??? The only thing I don't like about the MDMP stugs are their roadwheels because to me they look like they have a "fuzzy film" over them *shrug*


[This message has been edited by Tiger (edited 09-26-2000).]

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Thanks for the comments.

I think I've engendered some confusion with my poor choice of AFV nicknames. As I believe Tiger's aware, I'm referrng to the American/Brit Stuart Light tank (not the German Stug) Sorry....

Specifically, the roadwheels and running gear, which look very flat. I've pretty sure I have Tiger's latest mod, but (sorry) great weathering, but still real flat looking running gear. I can only assume (since Tiger is such a consumate artiste' of the BMP biggrin.gif ), that he worked on the weathering but not the detailing and shadowing. BTW, looks like this is the same running gear on the Amie M8...(and probably the same BMP?) Yep, also flat.

One of the (many) pleasures of CM for me is zooming right down there to "table-top level" and marveling at the beautifully detailed models that the user community has been kind enough to do, but playing the Americans and Brits doesn't yield as many oohhs and aaahhs. Granted, the shared BMP thing makes it trickier, but I sure would be fun to see a little more detail and shadowing on some of my Allied "iron".

- Old Dog

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These came out ok, still needs some work. It's not really shadows though, the models are basically just modelled flat. The allied models' roadwheels look like they are 1 pixel thick and look like paper. I think the german tank models are this way too but the difference is that there is just more substance to the german roadwheels on most of their tanks: large, interleaved roadwheels with no tansparent spaces in between the wheels.



Notice on this german tank destroyer how the transparent spaces between the wheels make them look paper-thin/flat as well. There's a couple of tricks you can try to get around this, like in the pics above.



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