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Anyway to make QB maps editable?

Guest Pillar

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Guest Pillar

QB generator always forces me to save the maps as Tournament, so I can't edit them.

I want to use them to generate maps for my RPG, but I need to be able to edit there size and units for each individual battle.

Any help?

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Pillar, as far as I know it can't be done.

But if you go into the create scenario area and click on map. It will auto create one for you. You will of course have to buy the units for both sides and save the game as a scenario though. Thats what we had to do with our multi-player experiment.

umm.. Pillar, you might want to save your scenarios before adding any units at all. Keep these in a safe place and maybe name them a grid number.

Then when another battle happens in the same area, just load that map and add the new units. Once you have the units bought save the scenario as a tourny so no one will be tempted to cheat.

Just an idea for you.



"someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati



Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring

[This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 08-03-2000).]

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Guest Pillar

Lorak, that's EXACTLY what I wanted to do. Thanks very much for the help! smile.gif

PS - any other tips for running one of these? wink.gif

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