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PBEM opponent wanted


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Ladders can be nasty I agree. But I think it has allot to do with the game type and game community. With CM most seem to be standup players and only interested in a good clean fight. I think allot of players like the idea of having a permanent record of games played, opponents played, after action reports etc. Not just getting to the #1 spot.

Thats how I look at anyway(most of the time lol) smile.gif



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I agree but too many ladder players are out to WIN at all costs. Rushing all your recon vehicles (purchased for this reason only) so as to get a fix on the enemy without regard to the fact that they are certainly going to die. I want to win as much as anyone but try and treat my men with respect and use "real-world" tactics and not whatever it takes to extend my winning record.

I dont call it cheating but it's just a matter of style.


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