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March music?

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Hello guys!

I'm thinking of changing the menu music in CM, so instead of the old tune I want some basic military march to replace it.

Now, does anyone know some decent march music? NOT the kind of "bombastic" march music with trumpets, trombones, strings and stuff though! wink.gif Just the simple kind of march with a plain drum (and maybe a fife(?) thrown in).

Any help is greatly appreciated!

CM is a very fine game btw!

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Guest Mirage2k

Well, to be blatantly obvious about it, I'll be the first one to suggest Sousa.

Oops...I just realized Sousa would be considered "bombastic." Sorry. smile.gif



Throw me a frickin' smiley, people!

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[This message has been edited by Mirage2k (edited 08-05-2000).]

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Well, most marches are going to have brass and/or woodwinds (not just fifes) unless you're going for a revolutionary war era march. Now, you have many, many national marches at your disposal. German marches tended to be rather (heroic" sounding, emphasizing percussion, woodwinds and low brass. British marches were rather slow and dignified (slow meaning a tempo of 108 beats per minute).... you'll be hard pressed to beat a nice british march... after all, thats were the comunity band reigns supreme. Any march by Kenneth Alford would be appropriate. American marches tend to be fast, exciting and rather bombastic (fast being 120 beats per minute). Just figure out what type ofm atmosphere youre looking for. Hope this gives you some ideas.

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