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I'm wondering if something is amiss? It seems to take as long to DL and UL a turn as it does to play a turn. I'm using ver.1.01 and my opponent has ver. 1.02 which seem to be compatiable. We're several turns into the scenario and it's taking 15-20 minutes to recieve or send the turns. We're doing it as the instruction say in the manual, everything's zipped but it still takes forever. Is this happening to everyone or is there a better way? Can't wait for TCP/IP!!

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You didn't say what speed modem you are using. Even many 56k modems only run at an effective rate of 28.8 or less. Try a cable moden or DSL's they can really help speed things up.

Most importantly, the ISP's can be a bit slow in passing on info. I Bcc a file from work to my home, it showed up 5 hrs later!


"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers"

-- King Henry VI, Part II, Act 4, sc.2, l.86

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JD, I'm running a 56K modem, no cable avaliable here unfortunately and that would only solve half the problem, 56K modem at the other end too! LOL I wonder when we get TCP/IP will this still be a problem? It's only the movie that makes for a slow UL/DL, when we're ploting it's pretty quick.

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