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M. Hofbauer, do you enjoy bullying other forum members??

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M. Hofbauer, before you have studiously and nastily picked apart an innocent PBEM topic started by me, simply requesting PBEM games.

And now you are picking on Rob/1, you must be really proud.

Below are a selection of M. Hofbauer's friendly comments:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>a chatboard ??

now there's a concept...and it's called oxymoron.

btw congratulations, your unceasing efforts finally paid off, you made the signature list of epochal statements.


"Rule#7: All players must follow the rules." (Rob/1)

thanks for sharing this with us, Rob.

However, I am a little bit puzzled because your great page says



Full rule list is now posted.And there are only 3 postions left in the campaign so if you wont to get in on it now is the time.

Postions still avalibe

4 Allied PT.HQS, 3 Axis PT.HQS

All Axis postions are full.


so, how many positions are avalibe?

all axis positions are full, yet there are three open. add to that the 4 open allied positions, and you get the "only 3 positions left" as your opening line suggests. Aha. So that's why all positions are full.

I hope your posting of this thread will spare you the masses of emails that surely rocked your email account. Luckily you made this post, otherwise all those aplications would've blasted your storage limit.

thanks for starting all those mega-post threads on this board, I think they are really important.

are you using 3 x 2 km maps? that should be funny... maybe they even find each other some turn if you make it a 70-turn hide-and-seek...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Guest Big Time Software

Knock it off. We don't tollerate posts that are started up PURELY in order to create/continue flame fests. As for your concerns about Hofbauer's posts I'll look into it. But need I remind you that you aren't lilly white yourself.


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