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Impassable roads.

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Great to see that BTS are continuing to refine their already excellent game engine through the 1.03 patch.

The end of spiky hills (and subsequent spiky roads) is to be applauded but there still appears to be a slight problem with roads.

In a quick-battle, the line of vehicles that I instructed to dash down a strategically placed road suddenly came to a dead halt and started diverting in all sorts of directions!

The problem? The builders of this section of road must have been drunk; instead of digging in to the side of a slope, they just stuck it on the side. Result? An inpassable road tilted over at about 45 degrees (showing as a slope and not as a road).



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I have expereinces problems with the AI not wanting to drive down wooded roads (sometimes just sitting there) this can usually be overcome by removing terrain clutter but there is possibly a code issue here.

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