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Thanks BTS & Merry Christmas

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Thanks for the most amazing game I have ever played-- i constantly tell my wife "Get up and come see this!" Sometimes I just have share this with some one!! she cares at least a little more than my house cat calvin but not much- smile.gif any As I read mill history books and a fair amount my self - I see pictures in my mind not just words and now with in reason CMBO gives the pictures I have had in my head for all of my 48 years. Thanks again -- good game -- I have played basically nothing else since i got this -- one Last thing I really like the vid feature as sometimes i will watch and watch over and over-- my brother has B17#2 and that a good game but it does not have that feature and it really needs it -- anyway enough rambling --good game and Merry christmas

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Nice sentiment Lynn. Yes, I'll second that. Happy Holidays to BTS, for providing the best PC wargame of all time, listening to, and putting up with us, and for striving to maintain some very lofty ideals in a dog eat dog competitive market. cool.gif

Happy Holidays to Mad Matt and crew for providing a website where all the mods are tested and listed in a one stop shop (and for playing referee to this forum which isn't much different than being a lone Irish cop in the lower East side of the Bronx). smile.gif

Happy Holidays to all the mod makers who have taken the original outstanding design, and made it into something incredible by donating their time, hard work and effort. smile.gif

Happy Holidays to all my opponents who have given me many hours of excitement, and enjoyment, as well as taught me a thing or two. wink.gif

Happy Holidays to all the Webmasters of the other mod sites who carry some unique speciality items and reduce the load on Matt's site. smile.gif

And last but not the least, Happy Holidays to this entire forum community. I've been around on the net for years, I've been in and out of forums in quite a few places, quite a few genre's, and I have never seen such a large, active, and participatory, group, that was so knowledgeable, and willing to help out, who could at the same time chest thump and tooth nash with any of the best of them, and yet remain a successful community throughout it all. It speaks volumes about the character of the group that exists here, and that BTS has successfully attracted. smile.gif

Happy Holidays all, and Happy New Year!

Here's wishing us a bright shiny CM2 in the upcoming year.



"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

[This message has been edited by Bruno Weiss (edited 12-23-2000).]

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