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New Market-Garden scenarios and more!

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The ASL/CM site has been updated and I have added some Market-Garden scenarios from ASL Annual '91. They are a series of battles that should be played as a campaign in head-to-head games. I've converted the campaign rules there as well. The total campaign consists of 7 scenarios and so far the first 3 are ready. The rest is close to be finished.

For those who haven't been there in a while: there's a LOT of new scenarios online. Go take a look and give them a try!

For anyone having opinions about TCP/IP online play there's a new poll as well!


Col. Klotz

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Guest MantaRay

One question, are all those maps in the battles section for CM? If they are damn you must have been shackled to your chair in order to finish all of them.


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