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Artillery Oddity.

Guest Pillar

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This post is about strange behaviour with spotting.

First of all, this involves one Crack 81mm spotter. This all happens on my very first orders phase (right after setup).

I select a target out of LOS and it says "42 Seconds". Wow, good timing I think to myself. Then I decide to target somewhere else. I find a place very close by and within LOS and select it. 57 Seconds. Hmmm..., Wonder why that is? Ok, so I select a spot again one more time and it goes to "1 Minute".

This is really odd. Why is the time so different between these points?

So I go back to my original spot, which said 42 seconds before and it stays at "1 Minute". Then I start selecting spots all over the map at random and they all say ONE MINUTE.

Now why are the estimates changing within the ORDERS phase for the same spot?

This is really odd!

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You've pissed off your fire control officer by continually changing your mind. Make a battle plan and stick with it. Some of us have better things to do than replotting our barrages every ten seconds cause some Company Commander can't make a decision. wink.gif




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

I knew this would happen when deregulation created the baby bell companies. Probably has something to do with the billing cutoff on a one minute or under call. smile.gif


LOL! Well, that makes as much sense as anything else I've heard to justify this peculiarity.

Pillar, the official rationale is that every time you replot your target, the guys back at the battery (or actually fire control) have to resharpen their pencils and do the calcs all over again and that this takes time.

My response is that this answer is silly in that the orders phase of a game turn occurs outside of time. Time is paused and doesn't begin again until you hit the Go! button. You should be able to retarget the FO any number of times with no penalty until then.

P.S. It makes perfect sense to me that if you had targetted one location in one turn, then on a following turn changed your mind, that there would then be a time penalty (as in fact there is). I hope I don't need to point out the difference.


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I believe Michael's surmise is probably correct. (Hey BTS, listen up. Michael has a good point here, it's gamey to penalize us for changing arty calls during a time frozen segment-if indeed this is the case). Now, if you plotted a call, hit go, then on the next turn before the round hit or something you change your mind, I could then agree with the penalty. Personally, I just dial 1010bombittyboomen and get 9 cents a minute anywhere, anytime. smile.gif


"Wer zuerst schiesst hat mehr von Leben"

Bruno "Stachel" Weiss

[This message has been edited by Bruno Weiss (edited 09-22-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I believe Michael's surmise is probably correct.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It is. If you search, you can find a post by Charlse dating from about December where he said the time increases per change of mind in the orders phase due to added work back at the FDC.

And I agree with you all; this is unamenable to rationalization wink.gif



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This should definitely be fixed in the next patch. It's "Gamey".

Besides, it's simple enough to get around. Just save the game before you make a potential adjustment.

Really stupid to have to do that though. Some people make up their plans and experiment IN the orders phase, rather than have it all down on paper prior to giving orders. Maybe some people do it that way, but I like to experiment within the interface.

BTS, please fix!

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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pillar:

Besides, it's simple enough to get around. Just save the game before you make a potential adjustment.

Really stupid to have to do that though. Some people make up their plans and experiment IN the orders phase, rather than have it all down on paper prior to giving orders. Maybe some people do it that way, but I like to experiment within the interface.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

There's another way to deal with it. That's to use the LOS tool instead of the targetting tool while you are doing your thinking. Then after you have decided (and it helps to do everything else before you get to your FOs), use the targetting tool.

But of course, you really shouldn't have to do this.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>BTS, please fix!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, please do.


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Guest Captitalistdoginchina

is he firing from a cellar?



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"There's another way to deal with it. That's to use the LOS tool instead "

But then you don't get the time estimates -- which is VERY important for planning.

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