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Wow! I -finally- found you guys!


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You can't imagine how long I have been looking for TacOps once again. I have missed this simulator, and am scrambling for a CC to buy a few copies.

I see the MBX project is still going strong. I think I should get in on that!

Chimera (Remember me from a few years back? I ran the first MBX with the US team vs the Krenovian team.)

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Hey, where can I get a copy of this program?

(Hee. NOTE: This statement was the very first thing I ever said/posted about TacOps, and this was years ago! Needless to say, I was immediately flamed for wanting a pirate copy. Lets just chalk it up to bad communication. Anway...)

No, seriously, I just purchased my copy (woooo!) and am installed and reviewing the demo. The changes look awesome and I look forward to playing a game sometime.

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Well, RT's MBX is continually threatening to get off the ground. 8) Bill Jennings is gearing up to run another, as well. RT's tend to be more cinematic, and Bill's are very hard-core. [Actually, one of the neatest game experiences I've ever had was in Bill's first MBX: holding the post of Chief of Staff for a modern Soviet-style Combined Arms Army (Steve Althouse was CO) . Integrating all the various weapons systems was a staggering, but fascinating, task.]

I'll do my best to remember to annouce my next MBX here as well as on the list (assuming the listserv gets settled - Telelists is dying, replacement uncertain.)

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Good ideas, but it looks like Rick has a solution. The sub/unsub info:



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The scope of conversation allowed in this group is simple. If it

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