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Artillery Observer Question

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I was reading the other thread about artillery effectiveness, when a question occured to me: if two (or more) FO's are targetting the same location, how can they tell wether the shells that are hitting (or missing) are from their guns and not from the other guy's? Wouldn't the FO's get confused by the other's shells?

Just wondering.

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Depends on the sides fire control. In the US Army they had about the best due to excellent communications, etc. So the fire control would only dole out batterys to assigned areas. Perhaps its possible that FOs from different divisions near each other might overlap.

BTW A tactic used during the war was to fire indirect fire BEHIND the other sides indirect fire mission. If the other side stopped firing (because someone on the other side was reporting "friendly" fire casualties), then you knew a attack was coming in.


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Good question....here's what works in real life.

The FO calls to the FDC and requests they report "splash". On the next round and all subsequent rounds they will report "shot" when the round is fired...and "splash" five seconds before the round is to impact. That allows the FO to poke his head up, spot the round, then duck back down and call in his corrections. If two batteries are firing in the same area working for two FOs or there are mortars working the same zone splash allows the FO to distinguish his rounds. Hope that helps some. Out here. smile.gif


When the situation is obscure....attack!

CGen. Heinz Guderian

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