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Another Type of Pledge - please read!

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First off, everyone should sign Teach's pledge not to make copies of CM. (See the thread "A final plea ..."

But I would like to make another pledge and hope folks will sign it, too. I pledge to SPREAD THE WORD about CM. As an example, it was days after the CM Gold Demo was released, and Avault still had nothing about it up at their site. I emailed them and described what a great game it was, and told them about the demo. The next morning, I woke up and whaddya know? the demo was posted at Avault. Spread the word, write to game mag and website editors and tell them how great CM is. Games marketed like this need a grass roots effort to make it really take off, and we all want this game to succeed so there will be others like it in the future. BTS deserves a huge success on this one, and so let's do our part and help them out. It's games like CM that make computer gaming a great hobby.


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My work server locks me out of most gaming sites, so I can't do any 'corporate' pledging.

However, I have been spreading the word amongst my peers. Well, at least those peers who can still understand the concept of wargaming after several pints.


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Guest Big Time Software

I just want to chime in and say that what jeffjones suggests is quite serious: whether CM succeeds or not depends heavily on word of mouth. We're a small company and, darnit, we must have left our million bucks in our other pants pocket, meaning that we don't have a big advertising budget. CM will sell well only if satisfied gamers tell their friends and tell other people out there on the internet about their (hopefully positive) experience with CM. So thanks to everyone in advance for any help you can provide!


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Just some thoughts on where you might want to concentrate your efforts in promoting the game.

Many people read the online and magazine game reviews to find out about new games and/or help to make their decision as to whether to buy a given game, or not. Some of them make their game purchasing decisions based almost solely on reading several such reviews. And there is already evidence here on the board in a recent post that at least some of these guys (was it the Wargamer?) are giving out old/erroneous data in regards to CM. I would therefore think it would behoove you to make a press release, or whatever it takes, to make sure these guys have the real, pertinent, and up to date facts on the game so that they are giving their readership an informed opinion about your product.

You obviously can't (and for that matter shouldn't) try to write their reviews for them, but you can try to insure that they have the correct facts and details about the game in order to accurately relate what the game is, and isn't, to their readers.


Mike D

aka Mikester

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Agreed! I'll take this pledge too.

There's talk here and there about "membership." Well, I don't think anyone should consider themselves a member of this esteemed group until they've convinced at least one person who otherwise knows nothing of the game to purchase a copy for themselves. That is an accomplishment worthy of membership.

As for me, I'm well on my way to convincing my third new customer.


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