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Quantity of men in a division..

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German Infantery Division : 16 - 20 Thousand men. Jäger (Ranger) or Gebirgsjäger (Mountainranger?) some less.

Tankdivision : one tank regiment, plus several support Battalions like Engineers, AT, Recon, Self-propelled guns... At all 150 to 225 tanks and 20 to 125 Halftracks

Check http://www.feldgrau.com/

[This message has been edited by Scipio (edited 12-29-2000).]

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twelve men = 1 squad

3 squads + Lt. = rifle platoon

3 rifle platoons + 1 weapons platoon = 1

rifle company

3 rifle companies + 1 Hvy. Weapons platoon = 1 rifle battalion

three rifle battalions + one AT company + 1 cannon company + service company + HQ = 1 regiment

3 infantry regiments + 3 arty battalions + recon troop + engy battalion + medic battalion = 1 infantry division

A corps was composed of a variable number of divisions, and an army was made up of a variable number of corps.

Hope this helps.

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