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Call to Arms: Massachusetts

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Hear ye, hear ye (or is it "here ye"?)

I would like to gather any Combat Mission Minute Men together to join Cyberfox's Group Ladder. I see on his ladder that only the Netherlands and Arizona are signed up so far (I wonder why the Southern Californians aren't signed up yet), so I'm taking the initiative.

If you are interested in supporting Massachusett's proud military tradition (simulated) email me at sensibletoad@juno.com, and I will forward your names onto Cyberfox.

FYI: I live in Boston, and play a turn a night on three PBEM games. I would love to add another Group game. Personally, as a Bostonian, I feel it is my duty to challenge the British Group immediately. However, there is no British group at the moment, which I find very peculiar. Did the tea party thing scare you guys off? Get your act together England! Paul Revere rides again!



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I see on his ladder that only the Netherlands and Arizona are signed up so far<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey Toad, what's this Group Ladder?

I am already playing games for Rugged Defense, but I didn't see anything on the front page for any new tournaments (surely the 2000 tournament is in progress).

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>FYI: I live in Boston, and play a turn a night on three PBEM games. I would love to add another Group game. Personally, as a Bostonian, I feel it is my duty to challenge the British Group immediately. However, there is no British group at the moment, which I find very peculiar. Did the tea party thing scare you guys off? Get your act together England! Paul Revere rides again!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's about time you colonial types got a good pasting seeing as you haven't lost any wars that I can think of!! smile.gif

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I got this email from Cyberfox last night:


Check it out. I think it could be a lot of fun.

Per the second to last rule: I have nothing but the deepest of respect for Great Britain, especially since I just finished reading "A Bridge Too Far", and totally admire Frost and his men on the bridge. I do think friendly rivalry, and I do mean friendly, will add to the experience.

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Toad, I looked at the page and it seems like everything is in place for some great games. I hope that the players will post some AARs to the forum for everyone to digest.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Per the second to last rule: I have nothing but the deepest of respect for Great Britain, especially since I just finished reading "A Bridge Too Far", and totally admire Frost and his men on the bridge. I do think friendly rivalry, and I do mean friendly, will add to the experience.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey, no offence taken, friendly rivalry is fine by me!! smile.gif

The winner can have the choice of a British or French beef sandwich.

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Guest Captitalistdoginchina

If i can muster a team together......."The Red Army" has plans for world domination...or is that Rugged Defence domination?

The call to arms has been made, forces are said to be gathering in Asia for the first major offensive of this campaign.

In this far away place of yours....Massesof chestnuts....you are hereby challenged by the Red Army.



"Death solves all problems - no man no problem"

J.V.Stalin, 1918

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Liberty. Lib-er-ty. Or as we say here in Massachusetts: Lib-ah-tee.

This my Red friend is the catch word of the proud patriots of the Bay State, and we hold this word up as a heavy cudgel with which we shall bash your commune loving, liberty robbing ways to pieces. Very fine pieces! Pieces never to be seen again!

As we wait for the Minutemen to rally (I believe our militia will soon jump in number from the current 1 to a powerful 3 within a few short hours (or days)) I will accept your challenge, and soon our armies shall meet for Combat Mission style hijinks.

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Guest Captitalistdoginchina

So, the first victim stands forward.....our current game shows that our future battle will indeed be a hard fought contest......Move it or lose it, truly a scenario that has excited my senses - it was a good choice Sir.



"Death solves all problems - no man no problem"

J.V.Stalin, 1918

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Guest MantaRay

Since I grew up in Quincy, it would make sense that I joined the MA CM CLUB right? Naw, I applied to help the Red Army beat you back into the bay. The POW camp would be a better place than the Combat Zone of yesteryears past. Tea Party Ha. You have been warned MUHAHAHA.


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