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"new" message to lawyer.....

Guest *Captain Foobar*

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

OK this is not a cesspool wannabe thingy, so let me be Steve wink.gif

Lawyer, my email is broke, and I cant send files. I did what I thought you would have done,and called my CABLE modem provider, and threatened legal action. I am having them pro-rate my bill until this is fixed. (I thought you'd be proud.. )

Anyways, hopefully the crap will be working again on Monday, and I will start killing your shermans again....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*:

OK this is not a cesspool wannabe thingy, so let me be Steve wink.gif

Lawyer, my email is broke, and I cant send files. I did what I thought you would have done,and called my CABLE modem provider, and threatened legal action. I am having them pro-rate my bill until this is fixed. (I thought you'd be proud.. )

Anyways, hopefully the crap will be working again on Monday, and I will start killing your shermans again....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Captain, why did you ever strike off on your own, anyway? I thought you always realized you were a welcome participant on the Peng Challenge Thread. smile.gif


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

Senile Tea, you silly twit...

1) I didnt start the thread.

2) It was just a good place to taunt the lawyer while we battle for his current possesions. This contest he put on is turning out to be alot of fun smile.gif

3) I felt so lost in the cesspool, I wanted elbow room.

4) The cesspool's page list is 4 times as wide as the text!

So I dunno, until I save up for my apartment, I just swept clean a corner in the pool, and I am holing up there until I get back on my feet. I took everyone's silence as resignation to my presence, and that they will try not to spit on me or anything...


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Well, Foo Foo, I know you are still there, and still as openly craven in your lust for my wealth as ever.

Don't worry, I didn't think you would really abandon your obvious Kraut-fest "set-up" of a battle to win "From Hell to Victory", my prized possession (and a stunning work of movie-making genius). What fun it must be to take pot shots with your hidden Panthers and pillbox at my paltry few Shermans that are bogged down in an open field to start the game. I'll bet you are the kind of sicko that shoots at soapbox derby kids' cars with a 12 gauge shotgun. I'll never understand what sordid act you performed to have somebody design this special scenario for your pathetic attempt to beat me with nary a chance for Lawyer to demonstrate his Real Skill.

I may need to unleash my secret weapon -- the repo man -- to come take back your German army for non-payment of bills.

Also, that week-long vacation you awarded yourself at the start of the Lawyer's Movie Sweepstakes my come back to haunt you. Mark IV and Mannheim Tanker are well-along in seeing how many of my US tanks and Greyhounds they can knock-out in one turn with their super guns that never miss. Not to mention Dick Reece, who plays CM with all the frenzy of a truckload of hillbillies on Saturday night (which is quite natural since that is Dick's heritage and lifestyle).

It is conceivable, dear Captain, that Lawyer's poor pockets and bones may get picked before we get done with our game (assuming you are able to Beat the Law, of course). If so, you will receive another of my cast-off goodies, which in your case will undoubtedly triple your present net worth.

So, Sir, if you want to get some booty (a first for you, I suspect) you should pray for Lawyer to get a solid dose of the good fortune and tactical genius which have so far eluded him. I've lived long enough to know that luck and timing, like age and guile, will beat youth, beauty, and sound tactics every time. Unfortunately, my opponents are uglier and tackier than I am, and so are taking advantage of my good nature to gain the upper hand in our respective games.

Therefore, Captain, I recommend your joining my prayer vigil seeking help from a higher source if you truly wish for a chance to view "From Hell to Victory" in the comfort of that gub'ment-sponsored shelter you choose to call home.

"As it is written, so let it be done"


"One must gratefully acknowledge that the real reason for Allied victory over Germany in World War II was the superior skill of the enormous army of lawyers filing suit against Hitler in the Federal courts of the United States."

Churchill -- 1945

[This message has been edited by Lawyer (edited 10-09-2000).]

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Lawyer, you really gotta start hanging in the Cesspool thread. You have The Gift. Hell, if we recruited Croda, we'll take anybody.

There's already a lawyer there, but what fun is one lawyer? It's like staging D-Day on an undefended beach...

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The Cesspool is indeed an ongoing marvel of caustic taunting, poor sportsmanship, and wasted time. Obviously, I have professional admiration for these traits. Yet for all its cleverness, the Cesspool fails to address the critical NEED for GREED that I have injected into the CM community.

Perhaps I shall post on the Cesspool when I have defeated you or it reaches my hourly billing rate. At 114 posting pages as of today, the Cesspool has a looonnnnggg way to go to satisfy that goal in either event.

Unlike the Cesspoolers, I take pride in lowering the whole CM spirit of good gaming and fair competition to a demeaning contest of petty sqabbling over cheap goods by vindictive poseurs of tactics. Verily, Lady Luck must be be very, very horny to grant such extensive favors on the battlefield to the likes of you at the expense of Satan's True Counselor and Desciple of Peng (the Generalissimo Franco of Losers Everywhere).

So you see, The Lawyer finds great joy (and profit) in strife, dishonor, and general unpleasantness, knowing that He shall prevail when all around Him have fallen to new lows of depravity.

Ugly? Very much so. Rewarding? Of course!

And the sad, sad fact, Gentlemen, is that each of you have been drawn into this Accelerating Spiral to the Death of Decency!!


Der Sensenmann ist hier, Mein Herren!


"One must gratefully acknowledge that the real reason for Allied victory over Germany in World War II was the superior skill of the enormous army of lawyers filing suit against Hitler in the Federal courts of the United States."

Churchill -- 1945

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Guest *Captain Foobar*


If we make this look too much like the cesspool, it's going to get locked down!

Now Lawyer,

You NEVER said it was first come first serve. I contend that if more than one of your opponents wants the movie, they will have to fight it out between each other.

It is not merely my selfish nature at work here. I desire what you desire. We should PROLONG the bickering and bad-sportsmanship as long as possible, and the best way to do that is to have us fight it out for the prizes.

Surely you can see that it is everyone's best interest to do that. You will be the judge over the vultures madly picking clean your carcass. biggrin.gif

(Oh, and about Singling Shootout, LOL! You whine more than my last girlfriend! Try to be a man about it. I'm embarressed for you... wink.gif )

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Personally, I think the Lawyer deserves his own cesspool anyway tongue.gif

I'm still waiting for his troops to show up on the battlefield - and it's already turn 11! I've caused more damage to my troops with short rounds than he has with all of his troops combined...I think I saw a Beemer hiding in a barn wayyyyy at the back of the map (could have been a HT). Your getaway car? biggrin.gif

To keep this thread off of cesspool status (and avoid the padlock): Does anyone know why someone would have trouble emailing to a specific address - even if both parties have no problems sending or receiving email to anyone else? Lawyer is having trouble reaching one of my accounts (Bellsouth.net), but not the other. I have no problems with either account with anyone else. Sound like a router problem to anyone?


"Gun damaged are rare on Shermans because they die like red shirts on Star Trek" - Slapdragon

Edit: Proper placement of Lawyer bait.

[This message has been edited by Mannheim Tanker (edited 10-09-2000).]

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

Well, I can tell you that my email problem has been server storage space or something like that. My normal emails go fine, but the attachments have been a problem for the last couple of days..

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Yada, yada, yada....

Hush up, Foobar! Be a man! Pay the ISP and all will work again.

MT has received his deathwish. The Lawyer is working on yours right now. Go eat a hairball or whatever you modern protesters do. I'm authentic '60's. None of this "today" unhappiness when all is well enough. What you need, Captain, is a good citizen draft that would send your Left Coast butt straight to bootcamp and Vietnam. How 'bout those Balkans?? You could learn about CM terrain firsthand. Ha!

The Lawyer is "in".


"One must gratefully acknowledge that the real reason for Allied victory over Germany in World War II was the superior skill of the enormous army of lawyers filing suit against Hitler in the Federal courts of the United States."

Churchill -- 1945

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

Counsel, you are still dodging the question. We should fight "battle royale" for the movie...It should not be the first one to beat you, as we will all probably beat you. You need to preside over our bickering and slap-fighting for the movie. Are you up for this??

Your honor? Permission to treat as a hostile witness??

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Objection! Permission to approach the bench...

***Walks forward***

Your honor, Scoundrel vs. John Q Public clearly states that when there is a dispute arising over the dead bones of a lawyer, the lion's share of the booty should go to the player with the highest score. Move to strike, your honor (or at least move to strike the lawyer!).

***steps back***


"Gun damaged are rare on Shermans because they die like red shirts on Star Trek" - Slapdragon

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Lion's share goes to whoever gots it, and is then redistributed to next prevailing party.

See Germany vs. Belgium, 1940, England vs. Germany, 1944, and subsequent judgements in favor of England.

Also Germany vs. Poland, 1939, USSR vs. Poland, 1939, Germany vs. USSR, 1941, USSR vs. Germany 1944, USSR vs. soon-to-be NATO, 1946, and Poland vs. USSR (or somefink), 1988.

This gives us time to tape the classic and pass it on. The Lawyer's Cup!!! Or athletic supporter, as the case may be... with Greed still the bottom line. Yes, I like it, uh-huh, uh-huh....

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A wise man once said: "It is best to first slay the Bear before you start cutting up his hide."

When (spelled "WHEN" for the slow of wit) any of you actually get a certified victory from CM or surrender first to the Lawyer (just hit Alt+U, go ahead, try it), then and ONLY THEN shall the Lawyer entertain suggestions on how to spread the spoils of war.

Who knows? "From Hell to Victory" may become the Stanley Cup of the CM loser set, passed around from no-life to no-life with the shared misperception that it represents a real accomplishment. But why not?? This is America. That's why we all play this addiction.

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The question here isn't who will be the prevailing party but one of intent. See Stalin, August 1939 (intended to pull a fast one on Germany); Hitler 1939 (intended rename "Europe" as "Germany"), Hitler, 1941 (intended to prove Stalin the fool); Roosevelt 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944 (intended to save his political bacon); Stalin, 1945 (intended to make good on Stalin, 1939), and Mannheim Tanker, 2000 (intended to prove the lowly government employees CAN defeat omnipotent lawyers).

I see that my ball is now closer to the hole...I mark it and step back to await your putt in the Lawyer Classic, also known as the Ambulance Open.


"Gun damaged are rare on Shermans because they die like red shirts on Star Trek" - Slapdragon

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