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Not to get into another "I'll preorder if.." thread, how large will the Gold Demo be?

Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

So, the Beta Demo was ~15 MB, how large of a download is the Gold Demo gonna be? ~30-50 MB? Just curious.

No, I don't have a cable modem, got the good ol' 56K deal. If I'm lucky I can get a 4.X Kb/sec transfer rate. We don't have cable modem access capabilty here in this area yet, I don't think. wink.gif

I just downloaded the new Diablo II intro movie at just shy of 70 MB, took a series of "restarts" with Get-Right. Boy what a waste! Movie's so dark you can't hardly see it. I deleted that puppy and its zip file as soon as I watched it. Off-topic a bit but relevant to my point.

I can handle downloads within the 30-60MB range pretty well, but anything over that is a bit much.


"I am not interested in the names of your fathers...nor of your family's lineage. What I am interested in...is your breaking point!"--Gen. Chang

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Lol I downloaded the Diablo movie too and I agree - what crap - what the hell were they thinking err or smoking :P

The game looks like it will be really kool why the hell the GAME DEMO had nothing in it that resembled the game is beyond me - are they making a game or trying for an oscar?




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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

Yes, apparently Blizzard's FINALLY got the Beta going. I still believe they're looking at a Summer release for DII


"I am not interested in the names of your fathers...nor of your family's lineage. What I am interested in...is your breaking point!"--Gen. Chang

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ol' Blood & Guts:

No, I don't have a cable modem, got the good ol' 56K deal. If I'm lucky I can get a 4.X Kb/sec transfer rate.


Man I love seein' that 175-212 Kb/sec go past my browser. If you CAN get cable modem, (even for the extra cost) it's worth it. 50-70 MB forgetabodit!! multiple attempts (passe) [God I hated downloading a chunk coming back to hve 98% complete and get transmission/line error.

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