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Guest Big Time Software

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Guest Big Fat Guy

Damn, I have a job and everything, I wish I had been here for this.

I miss all the good things in life.

*pressing refresh every second*

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Steve threw a hissy fit and went out of his way to show the world how NOT to release a long awaited demo. He takes all his frustrations out on his customers.

Part of being a front man for a company is being an adult and assuming responsibilty. Sometimes for the sake of a companies interests you accept that things happen and take responsibility for things that arent even your own fault.

Dont call people monkey-like or tell us to get lives. The customer is always right. That aint a new one and will always be true for successful companies.

This "Big Time" attitude of showing the whole software world how its going to get done needs a little humility and common sense.

Humbly yours,


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Guest Big Time Software


Get a life smile.gif

The customer is NOT always right. Companies that kiss ass to whiners only invite more whining. And then other companies have to deal with it because such whiners expect that everybody will kiss their asses.

As I have said in the past, the purchase agreement we have with our customers says nothing about the $45 giving the customer the right to treat us with disrespect and otherwise childish behavior. I am not speaking so much about the refreshing as I am customer relations in general. And any customer that WANTS to treat us like crap can just do us a favor and NOT buy our game and go bother someone else. We don't need the headaches.

In this case of the server overload, it was the customer's obsessive behavior that prevented us from doing business. I don't see how the customer can be "right" when they in fact screwed themselves out of what they were demanding. It was mass hysteria, and there isn't anything "right" about that.

Having people bring down our server by hitting refresh ever second is serious thing, one that cost us money, sleep, and a huge freaking headache. So I stand by what I said, especially because we had to free up our server from the "monkey" behavior in order to post the demo itself. I only had a small window to get in and make a post in the first place, so damn straight it was strong and to the point. And it worked.

I did take responsibility, by saying we never should have dropped a hint and instead kept our mouths shut. Then, as I predicted, a post right away saying we should do the opposite. We can't win.

The refresh program isn't illegal, but it is certainly harmfull. It is similar to the "PING" attacks that brought down all of those sites a while back, but by itself it doesn't cause a problem. It takes many people doing it at the same time to produce negative results. But yes, what happened to us last night was EXACTLY the same thing that brought down Yahoo, CNN, etc.


PS Locking this one up because it serves no purpose in an otherwise overcroweded Forum.

[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 05-10-2000).]

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