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Can v.3.0 have optional preset deployments?


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I was an original purchaser of Tacops for the Mac (v 0.0.0!) and played for many happy months. I just ordered v3.0 and look forward to playing again. The only feature I disliked about the original Tacops was the need to always deploy my forces myself. Due to work, family and other obligations I'm lucky to be able to play games more than 15-30 minutes a few times per week and would have really appreciated being able to jump right into playing without going through a setup phase. When playing large scenarios it would be really frustrating to take a lot of time deploying , play a few turns and realize I'd made a total hash of things and give up in disgust and go to bed.

From what I've read the situation is the same for the latest version. Having optional preset deployments would be a real help for people in my situation and would also serve as a teaching tool for new players.

Just a suggestion. Thanks for bringing back a great game.


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>if you save your game in the setup phase, 1)

>you can redeploy if you want...

Starting a game from a saved game file limits you to reexperiencing the same opening move/battleplan from the AI/Computer opponent.

Replayability of a given scenario will thus suffer because in Red attack scenarios you will quickly learn the general areas of where the Red units are going to first show up and what their general routes of advance are going to be. And in Red defense scenarios the Red force will always be in the same defensive layout.

I tried to change the program at one time so that the Red battleplan would be selected at some time after 'setup' but it did not work out.


Best regards, Major H


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