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OK folks, let us knock off the CC war

Guest Big Time Software

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Guest Big Time Software

OK, nobody is more happy about the level of attachment you guys feel towards CM than us, but sometimes this can be harmfull. There is no need to go into a hostile forum and try and pick a fight. Yes, I understand that several of you have tried to post laid back, informative "matter of fact" info, but sometimes even this is going to cause problems. Those who wish to remain ignorant are going to have a big problem with ANY type of post. You can not change such people's minds at all, so do not waste your time.

In theory people should be allowed to post something neutral and "For Your Information" without getting attacked. Especially in regards to Close Combat since many of you are/were Close Combat fans. Unfortunately, some people will attack anything new and different, and of course that means the "messanger" is going to get it with both barrels.

One thing that we ask of you all is to NOT give people the idea that this Forum is full of the same type of people (i.e. small minds, small words). If anybody wants to come here and really debate CC vs. CM, as has happened in the past, then that is fine. Do it respectfully. However, if someone comes here as a Troll... ignore until we can lock up the thread.

In conclusion... if you know someplace is hostile to CM, just back off and let those who want to swim in their own pool of ignorance. Fighting them won't win CM converts but might actually lose a few.


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Guest Big Time Software

Yes, thanks for that post. I tried to reply to it but you posted when I was editing this Forum and that made your post impossible to respond to. I'm going to lock it up now since people don't know that they can't respond to it until AFTER they type up a response smile.gif


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Guest Germanboy

Ahh the voice of reason - and I don't think I have ever seen so many threads locked up in one go before.

Hmm, I wonder what will happen on the www.macgaming.com , where someone doubted the existence of the Hare CM bunch?

If you have not posted a review of CM on the CM shipping announcement there yet, do so before the forum gets closed after seven days. And remember, the style of our posts here and on other forums will reflect on CM and on wargaming as a whole. Try to keep it mature. Irrational exuberance is only harmful to BTS and the wargaming community. And personally, I don't really want to be associated with a bunch of monster raving loonie gamers.



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