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Is morale represented in any way in the game? I just played the demo for the first time and noticed that an OPFOR unit would wander into my kill zone, lose all but one of its vehicles but still keep on fighting. Surely units taking those sort of losses would be hesitant to advance, as would those seeing the lead unit being blown to pieces.

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MichaelU asked "Is morale represented in any way in the game? I just played the demo for the first time and noticed that an OPFOR unit would wander into my kill zone, lose all but one of its vehicles but still keep on fighting."

I don't want to put words in the mouth of MajorH, but these are relevant sections from the User Guide:

"[Combat] Effects include vehicle destruction, vehicle damage, weapon damage, personnel loss, and suppression. Suppression represents a momentary loss of maximum straight line speed and or combat efficiency resulting from such things as surprise, fear, confusion, reduced visibility, looking for more cover, looking for the firing enemy, looking for a better firing position, tending to wounded, fighting fires, paralysis of analysis, etc. The effects of suppression may last for several scale minutes. [...] Suppressed vehicle units appear to move slower, have difficulty spotting, have a reduced chance of firing protected weapons, have a greatly reduced chance of firing exposed weapons, and fire with reduced accuracy."

(On a larger scale, from the Frequently Asked Questions section):

"Q: Morale: It's kind of unrealistic, I think, for all sides to fight battles of annihilation.

"A: You could just as easy stipulate that the current high loss level in TacOps includes the folks who have simply chosen to remove themselves from harms way. Morale must be approached very cautiously - big potential here for making a lot of gamers very unhappy. Many people have an absolute hatred for morale rules in any form. You might also consider that nose to nose tactical battles between well equipped, well trained, well motivated armored units might often be battles of annihilation. Troops on foot especially can not easily outrun artillery or armor - their personal safety depends on closing with armor when trapped in the open, and in standing and fighting when in covered positions. Morale fans are free to set personal goals and victory conditions that call for breaking contact after certain casualty percentages, but I don't think I should force it on everyone with game code."


[This message has been edited by WendellM (edited 01-10-2000).]

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The current morale model for the most part assumes that the fighters are exhibiting the best case situation of morale and efficiency. They will continue to do their duty unless they are thoroughly suppressed by incoming or recent accurate fire.

The current combat results tables for weapons effects against infantry are a bit liberal on producing casualties. I originally made them so to partially reflect the combat attrition effect of people temporarily choosing to take themselves out of harm's way.


Best regards, Major H


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Okay, kills can represent the trooper who has cracked and won't move from the bottom of his foxhole, or the vehicle which has decided to stay in the woods rather than venture forward.

Outside the individual unit, there seems to be little effect on units of seeing friends die. Destroying most of the main fighting elements in the OPFOR regiment didn't stop the self-propelled artillery and AA running themselves onto the guns of my last two M1s and joining their comrades in the afterlife.

Is there any effect to a unit from losses in other units? Also, are there differing morale levels in Tacops (unwilling conscripts vs elites)? If not, how would you suggest representing differing qualities of troops?

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>Is there any effect to a unit from losses in

>other units?

Yes if the markers are almost exactly colocated.

>Also, are there differing morale levels in

>Tacops (unwilling conscripts vs elites)?


>If not, how would you suggest representing differing qualities of troops?

I suppose you could use the Options menu to exchange for smaller and less capabile types of units from the data base.


Best regards, Major H


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