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One Final Video Card Question

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Hey all,

Thanks for tolerating my ongoing questions.

What is the difference between a Voodoo3 3000 and a Voodoo3 3500? If I can get a Voodoo3 3000 for $130 and a Voodoo3 3500 for $150, are either of those a good deal? How do these cards compare to the TNT2/Ultra?

Thanks again.


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The V3-3500 is a little faster than the 3000, and it has TV out capability. IMO, it compares evenly to the TNT2.

Also availble now are the new Voodoo5 5500's which has Full-screen anti-aliasing ability, and this translates to smoothing out the jaggies on the CM battlefield. I have one and it's awesome.

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Actually my (not working at the moment) V3 3000 has TV out. Thats means it can be pugged into a TV screen to get a bigger picture. It runs at 163mHz. the V3 3500 TV runs abit faster at 183mHz but also comes with a TV tuner.

Taken from http://www.3dfx.com/prod/voodoo/v3-3500-overview.html

"Featuring a state-of-the-art TV/FM Tuner and Digital VCR, the Voodoo3 3500 TV AGP also transforms any computer into a cutting-edge multimedia center. With support for real-time MPEG-2 video capture, DVD playback and 2D resolutions as high as 2046x1536, the Voodoo3 3500 TV is the most feature-filled video solution available for today's home PCs."

hope that helps

I should add that this was written a year or so ago so its NOT "state of the art" anymore

[This message has been edited by Private Pike (edited 06-16-2000).]

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