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Battle Report: Last Defense (spoilers)

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Version of CM used: 1.02. Full fog of war. Played as american defender.

I reorganized the default deployment of my

forces by placing one platoon in the scattered trees on the slopes on my left flank.

The other rifle platoon were withdrawn from the victory objective on the right flank to

the row of houses on the right.

The company commander and two bazooka teams arranged an ambush at the center road, and

I put most of the machineguns in the church or the adjacent buildings on the left flank.

The mortars were left as they were in the rear.

This was to be my first real CM battle, and I

was expecting an armored or mechanized superior force, and adopted the tactic of letting them come close enough for bazooka fire before I were to reveal my positions.

The computer player advanced with infantry on

my left flank and a mechanized force of four halftracks on my right. He sent his threes tanks and a couple of machineguns down the center. Good strategic AI. Superior firepower in the middle, to support any of the flanks.

The infantry advanced slowly on my left while they were hammered on by the mortars. The victory flag on the right flank fell without any resistance on my part.

I decided to withdraw my third bazooka team from the left since all vehicles were in the center or to the right, but to my surprise he

fired upon the leading tank from 250 meters while he was redeploying, destroying it 10 meters in front of my ambush. He was promply eliminated by the other two tanks and the german machineguns. Now I only had two anti-tank weapons left.

The german continued to advance on my left, but I let my platoon keep hiding. Having seized the victory objective on the right, the german sent his tanks in that direction

to reinforce further attacks against the village.

One of the tanks sprung my modified tank ambush, and was fired upon by two bazookas at a distance of 80 and 110 meters. To my horror I watched as both bazookas missed, drawing the fire of two tanks, two HMG:s and three halftracks. I decied to reveal my machineguns to suppress the halftracks and HMG:s. Suddenly the entire battlefield were covered by machinegun fire as three of my machineguns, his two tanks and three of his halftracks were firing. My platoon on the right flank lost its nerve as the halftracks slowly advanced and started firing too.

One of my bazookas got a hit on the tank, but without any offect, and was shortly killed thereafter. The other bazooka got a direct HE hit from the german Tiger, and now I had no

anti-tank weapons at all.

The german infantry charged the left flank at the same time as a half-track was sent towards the village to scout my position.

My rifle platoon on the right flank desperatly hurled grenades at the half-track as it passed them at high speed, but without effect. At the same time the other rifle platoon opened fire at close range on the advancing infantry on the left flank.

The german tanks started hammering the rifleplatoons, without me having any means to destroy them, sitting as they were 200 meters into an open field. My machineguns around the church took heavy fire too and broke.

Things were not looking good. The left flank did hold, but my right flank was near a total collapse, and I had not machineguns willing to fire.

Enter the cavalry. Reinforcements of three Hellcats and a rifle platoon arrived.

Immediately a duel between the PzKIII, the Tiger and the three hellcats erupted. One hellcat got a hit from the PzKIII at 700 meters, bursting into flames. One hellcat deployed smoke to hide, but the last hellcat opened fire on the PzKIII, setting it on fire. The hellcat then immediately retargeted

on the Tiger, opening fire once more, destroying the Tiger, who were surprised leaving its flank towards the reinforcements as it was hammering my machineguns.

Having destroyed all enemy tanks I ordered the reinforcements across the bridge into the town. The leading hellcat, which already had

destroyed to tanks killed the scout half-track in the streets. A few seconds later another halftrack turned a street corner, looking down the barrels of two hellcats at a distance of 40 meters. Somehow it survived two hits, but a third set it aflame.

Meanwhile, on my left flank the machineguns rallied and to my surprise the infantry attack were repulsed. My platoon on the left flank had taken a total of three casualties,

the bazooka team and a single rifleman. Meanwhile the platoon had a total of 45 confirmed kills. The slopes were covered with

eliminated german squads.

I sent my tanks to the right flank, destroying the remaining two half-tracks.

I immediately counterattacked with my rifleplatoon, seizing the lost victory objective.

The battle had lasted 16 minutes so far, and the germans were holding out on the other side of the field. My Hellcats eliminated the two HMG:s in the center.

I had lost the center victory location, but since this was an attack by a superior force, I decided enough was enough and agreed to a ceasefire.

TOTAL VICTORY! 140 german casualties, 7 vehicles. I had lost 41 men and one hellcat.

A short performance analysis of the computer player: Good strategy, but poor tactical execution. The infantry attack on the left flank would have succeeded if it had been better coordinated. Now approx 2 squads attacked at a time. Had the entire company attacked at the same time, my cause would have been lost. The computer player also made poor use of his offboard artillery, using some smoke to cloke my Hellcats in the end.

It was nice to see that the computer scouted ahead with a single tank, and a single half-track and not charging in all at once.

However, had the german pressed on at my right flank with the remaining half-tracks once my positions were revealed, he could easily have taken me out once my bazookas were eliminated. But I guess the fog-of-war

works both ways. He had no way of knowing that I didn't have any more anti-tank weapons.

Analysis of my deployment: I was correct in

yielding two victory locations from the start, exchanging them for a shorter and stronger line. However, deploying most of my machineguns close to each other wasn't a good idea. It was too easy for the tanks to suppress them. Had they been spread out, they wouldn't have been supressed so easily.

Had I not received reinforcments the battle would have been lost. I was about to retreat deeper into the village when the reinforcements arrived. My plan was to draw the german into street-fighting, reducing his armor superiority. But the Hellcats took car of that.

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