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OT: couple of bits from Janes news brief

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I subscribe to Janes newsbrief (www.janes.com) which is a great source of political, intelligence and defence related news. These two items I thought might be of interest to folks here.


Colombia's agony

THE armed conflict in Colombia will spread, thanks in no small part to

a $1.3-billion American aid package, mainly military in nature, that

is going to throw into the fray 60 new helicopter and three special

forces battalions, trained and equipped by the United States for

anti-narcotics operations. Who will win?

Who will tell the president?

WHOEVER wins next month's US presidential election - Al Gore or George

Bush junior - is in for a shock. After the triumphant winner sits down

behind his new polished desk in the Oval Office, he will immediately

receive a top secret briefing on the geopolitical 'challenges' facing

his new administration and the growing inability of the US armed

forces to meet them.


Poor old Colombia! Another three special forces battalions. Why bother, a couple of decades and neither side has won. I guess just throw more money at the 'problem'.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

Poor old Colombia! Another three special forces battalions. Why bother, a couple of decades and neither side has won. I guess just throw more money at the 'problem'.


CM23: Beyond Colombia!


Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less.

-David Edelstein

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