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Combat Vision Web Page

Guest PeterNZ

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Guest PeterNZ

Just thought I'd tell everyone about the sexy new Combat Vision web page!


go have a look see for the latest news and info and to download the movie. Also there is information about our second project as well as a casting call! smile.gif O, anyone know if BTS saw our first movie? Hope they liked it biggrin.gif



.C O M B A T. .V I S I O N.

* Film From The Front *

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Guest PeterNZ

I wasn't picking my nose

I was undergoing an orefactory excavation

you can find lots of fun nose goblins up there!



.C O M B A T. .V I S I O N.

* Film From The Front *

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Hey BTS, get with it. I haven't seen a response by the corporate bigwigs to what is argualbly one of the coolest, most innovative and creative fan support responses ever (esp to a game that only has released a beta version!!)

(ps) if I simply missed it...nevermind

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When I first started reading this board pre-beta, my favorite part about the game was the VCR function and the ability to watch a turn over and over again as well as the then planned ability to watch an entire battle.

At the time, it didn't occur to me that this ability would lead to cool fan efforts like AARs with downloadable turns and Combat Vision. Are there any any games where players can either watch other people's games or create cinematic movies?

I think the next voice over for an American movie needs to have a nice baritone that all those 1940s Movietone News shorts had (or any other narrated thing in the 40s and 50s).


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by guachi:

At the time, it didn't occur to me that this ability would lead to cool fan efforts like AARs with downloadable turns and Combat Vision. Are there any any games where players can either watch other people's games or create cinematic movies?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

A Quake clan gained fame for their movies.

is it a suprise that it takes a game like CM to bring that feel back.? Quake 2 was one of the most conciously flexible game engines ever created. Seemingly built from scratch to cater to the mod developer and general tinkerer. Is it any suprise that an engine that more and more looks to have no end of flexibility and a great game on top like CM (Hell, even the beta of the demo) is also starting to get tinkerers interested is "seeing what it can do."


As long as Steve doesn't start calling people "his bitch" when he beats them...

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(Does the NZ stand for New Zealand? Just curious.)

My first commentary to your first movie is, "Well done in all." Truly. It gave a very good impression of being like one of those WW2 "news films" that would play in a theater before the scheduled movie.

A couple of suggestions, though, if you'll allow.....

1) At times, I couldn't hear the "commentator" very well over the battle sounds. At one time, I thought I heard the statement "smashing the Nazi church" (church?!!) with the scene of the three Shermans standing on overlook. For each of your movies, is it possible that you could include the text of the commentary at your site also?

2) What might also be good on a different bent would be to also provide "uncensored documentary movies" where the "cameraman" is filming while all hell breaks loose. This would have no background narration, although voices could be dubbed in to represent nearby soldiers (on or off the camera). Some examples would be voices shouting "Take cover!!" or "Get me some fire support!!"

Just some suggestions. Thanks for your efforts so far.


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Occasionally I've been curious where posters are from or what they do for a living. I just click on the 'profile' button (the one with the question mark).

I happen to know where Peter is from but I clicked on Peter's profile anyway. Nice, ummm, interests there Peter. biggrin.gif

But we are all just simians in the end, right?

Peter, is that your voice doing the voice over? I think to most Americans, a foregin accent speaking English is much cooler than a boring American one. But I'd love to contribute my boring American accent if it was needed in the future,

BTW, I believe the phrase was "smashing the Nazi threat". I had to watch it several times to catch it because the music was a touch too loud.

I've watched the movie a half dozen times now and I like it more every time. The best part is the B&W as it gives the film a nice period feel and also masks the poor resolution somewhat. I'd love to see a B&W version of BTS's trailer.


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Thanks for the feedback comments, Jason. On replay, I thought the "mystery word" was "scourge". Oh well, very trivial issue.

Still, I would like to see "movies" done as if done "right at the moment" prior to editing and news commentary. It would give, as a counterpoint, the Ernie Pyle/Bill Mauldin style of showing "the front."

It was on that note that Bill Mauldin got a Pulitizer when he drew a "Willie & Joe" cartoon that took issue with the typical home-news headlines of "Victorious, energetic Allied columns smashing through the ranks of the demoralized enemy."

Again, just a suggestion.

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Guest PeterNZ

Thanks for the comments guys!

Well i'm not doing any more commentary, hehe, i couldn't get it right but o well wink.gif

Our next movie is Got Mit Uns, check our home page for a few more details, and yes we are recruiting american and german voices! Contact me if you're keen! smile.gif

thanks all!


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PeterNZ, am I missing something? When I access the web page I show some incomplete graphics. Is it simply not finished, or is my computer failing to load something. Keep it up and by the way I think your accent actually added to the film, at least for these Amis ears.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Spook:

... Bill Mauldin got a Pulitizer when he drew a "Willie & Joe" cartoon that took issue with the typical home-news headlines of "Victorious, energetic Allied columns smashing through the ranks of the demoralized enemy."


If any of you out there haven't see either that particular cartoon or Mauldn's book "Up Front" w/ Willie and Joe I think that you'll really miss the perspective of the GI's we see on CM's screen.

[This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 04-07-2000).]

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Guest PeterNZ

Woops! That's Gott Mit Uns, with two t's of course!

Also, just uploading an AVI version of the movie for those who are not QT enabled/lazy wink.gif

Hmm all the graphics are on their. It could be that the site has been receiving a lot of traffic. Just try and hit reload and get all the pics and then they'll be nicely stored in your temp internet files directory.

Seem to be getting between 10 and 20 hits per hour since i posted the URL, so it might just be the page timming out with whatever other traffic is there. (You'd have to ask panzershark the details)


*sniff, still no comment from BTS hehe*


.C O M B A T. .V I S I O N.

* Film From The Front *


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I don't know about you, but I'm no simian or a distant relative of


Huh? Did I not use the right word. {Walks over to a dictionary.} Nope I used the correct word all right. Are you saying that you are not in the primate Family (or is that Order)? Are you not human? Even if you were a sentient cat you'd still be related to an ape as you would still be a mammal.


1. You were just joking. OR

2. You need to run, not walk, over to http://www.talkorigins.org/ and buy yourself a clue.


I don't know what is worse, scientific illiteracy or historical illiteracy. frown.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZ:

Hmm all the graphics are on their. It could be that the site has been receiving a lot of traffic. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Can't see ANY grqaphics except the film frame jpgs.

In fact, if I jump to your portal page, I can't see the graphic that links back to panzershark.com...

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Guest PeterNZ

That's weird.


I'll have to have a look at it. I'm certain all the graphics have been uploaded, but maybe the site is going a bit funny.

Could be because i'm busy uploading a huge ass AVI and it's causing some problems.

Try in an hour or two if you have problems.



.C O M B A T. .V I S I O N.

* Film From The Front *


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Guest PeterNZ

OK everyone

fixed the web page, seems some browsers don't like long file names of image names with spaces in 'em.. so all done.

Also been fiddling with compression, (ta to Jon over at The Gamers Net. Got the movie down to a 6.5mb avi! But at the same time the video quality suffers quite a bit and the sound has a tac tac tac all the way through the commentary!

Might just make you all suffer with larger files biggrin.gif That way our vision won't be diluted! haha smile.gif



.C O M B A T. .V I S I O N.

* Film From The Front *


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Well, I'll go with the fact that I as a human fall into the scientific

grouping of mammal and as such would be in that same mammal group

with apes. But certainly don't accept any hereditary linkage with

said hairy creatures. smile.gif

Enough said on that subject.

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Guest Big Time Software

Peter - that was one hell of a movie! I loved it!! biggrin.gif

(BTW, the link for the QT version was dead. But the AVI link worked).

And to think that was all done with the beta demo. You're really going to like the improvements in the full game.


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Guest PeterNZ

Thanks for the comments Charles!

Well we can't wait for the full game either. But you know, we could be making all kinds of fantastic movies right away if we had the gold code in our hands, (aren't i king of subtle hints?)

I also want to say, it's not just me! It's Freelancal too! He's the guy who did the atmospheric credits and all the fantastic camera work.

If you get bored, we could help out with intro movies to various operations smile.gif Probably a bit late in the game now, but nevermind!


Anyway, keep working hard man!

ARRGGGG gawd damn netscape composer! Strips my cgi counter from my damn page when i open the page in composer. I'm used to using it so i'm not going to change, but damn it's annoying.


[This message has been edited by PeterNZ (edited 04-08-2000).]

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