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A little clarity for someone ingnorant (Manta Ray)

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I apologize to all in advance for this post but MantaRay needs a definite reality check.

NO ONE POSTED A THREAD ABOUT BEING GLAD I WAS GONE! I'm sure some may have been glad I was gone but There are those that arent as well. The likes of you not liking my presence suits me just fine but kindly keep it to yourself or at least stick to the truth.

MR PENG Posted a thread in jest jibing at me over our game and wondering where I had gotten too - a few other friends that I play with responded as well.

UNFORTUNATELY you had to be the rude, ignorant SOB that you are and flame me. I had gotten over your last attack on me on a prior thread without to much thought. So what do you do? You waited until you thought I was gone to snipe at me again. This time I held back and didn't post much of a response, but your latest lies on the other thread where you said the game was done were a bit much, I don't appreciate your twisting of words nor your blatent lies. Saying that someone posted an entire thread about bing glad I was gone was utter BS. Comparing the quality of my posts to yours were utter BS also so in the immortal words of Steve "KISS MY A%%^^&&*"

I won't just bitch I have a solution---

SO here is my proposition for you:

We obviously can't stand each other and don't live near enough to settle it in the ring - So I will forget you exist and I prompt you to do the same.

Steve my sincere apologies but he finally pissed me off - please lock this post smile.gif



PS-- I can spell TYPO IN title (ignorant)

[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 02-09-2000).]

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

GEEZ What is the CM community coming to? At this rate, I don't think PBEM and TCP/IP games will be necessary, for everybody's getting pissed off at one another before the game even comes out!


"I want you to remember that...no bastard ever won a war...by dying for his country...He won it...by making the other poor dumb bastard...die for his country."--George S. Patton

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Under any other circumstances I would agree but unfortunately I cannot tolerate a liar. When I play opponents I prefer them to have a thing called honor, in that respect they can be evaluated as being trustworthy - since he has lied repetitively and has manipulated the facts he has proven to be unscrupulous, I wouldn't care to play him.

I will simply ignore his existence from now on provided he will do the same smile.gif



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