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Winter PzII Lynx in the works.

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Matter of fact, it's just about done. Probably be available by Monday afternoon. For I will have to do some **** in the morning till about noon.

It's looking awesome. Shame I don't have a website of my own to display my works. But, hey, that's what I'm going back to school for in the fall.


"I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus

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Guest Germanboy

Now for the all important question to the Grogs - since there were only 100 of these cuties, all built by Jan.1944, did any of them survive until the winter of 1944 on the western front? Or will the winter camo only be historically correct in CM2?

Aren't I a nit-picker...



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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus:

Well, Andreas, there are a couple of Lynx's in that Zuruedzchlasen scenario.


Thanks for the pictures - looks great. I don't doubt they appear in scenarios, I was just wondering aloud. So if BTS has got their historical research correct they should have been around. What kind of language is 'Zuruedzchlasen' - Luxemburgian? (Nitpicking again, I know I am annoying...)



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